
I love the UK?

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It allows me to practice my sexuality wihtout being killed- although I do get beatings everynow and den from my fellow Muslims- they are afraid to admit to who they are.

Will g*y rights ever come to Pakistan?




  1. This is a USA Questions only site......Here is an idea..just stay in the UK...

  2. no if law and order can't then how will g*y rights. i am afaird to say that middle east countrys have no law in a way you could say that about the uk (cough cough) but in middle east countrys the people are still not sastified and end up blowing up stuff look what happaned to the new york towers. and i know that was iraq but i am talking about middle east countrys. its amazing how usa is building iraq but iraq did not build the twin towers and iraq started it in the first place america builds and its not their fault cause they can and helpful middle east only knows how to make weapons and blows up stuff.
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