
I love to fall down at work - sue - to pay for my plastic surgery?

by  |  earlier

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Before all you pregnant and barefoot people out there get a tad jealous - you can do it too. Opposed to being so against it.... Teach me how and then we all can become RICH on another persons money!!!!

MOTTO: don't knock it unless you try it! :-) Yove ya!!!




  1. So, you are at work and you fall.  Since you are talking about plastic surgery, I assume you plan on falling on your face.  Now before you start picking out whose nose you want, remember since it happened at work, Workman's Comp will step in.  Now for the next 10 years, while you are fighting your case, you'll be walking around looking like Leather Face in the Hills Have Eyes.

    You may want to rethink your strategy.  It sounds a tad flawed.

  2. i cant wait for you to go to jail and become someones little *****!!!!!!! can you say your *** hurts!!!!

  3. Wow is all I can say

  4. I think you just should like take a banana peel right and then pretend to slip on it.

  5. after you've sued so many times it eventually catches up to you...keep it'll b somebody's bytch in jail!

  6. Here is what you do.  You climb the highest ladder you can find and then you fall off directly on your head.  Not only will you get to fall down at work, but you may even get a Darwin Award for it!

  7. Considering the wording and grammar you used in the question, I highly doubt that you are smart enough to pull it off anyway.  I am embarrassed for you.

  8. That is such a horrible thing to do. That is cruel. Do you have a heart. Are you that desperate for money. Whatever your plastic surgery is for is stupid because when you die all of that suing you did was for nothing. Do you want to be remembered as a person who sued people for money.

  9. thats one reason economy sucks... good going!

  10. Why is this even in this section?

  11. well the trick is to be in a room alone. make alot of noise and be laying on the floor saying your back hurts . maybe spill some water and say you slipped or something that would incriminate them

  12. i dont know how many times you were dropped on your head as a baby but it was way too many

    Thank You TN2Vegas.

  13. Heay

    Hope, I got solution

    Recently, i've visited a site which is having a lot and perfect information.  Hope, it may help you. Try to check this link for a solution

  14. go see a physiciatrist

  15. I have to agree with jman on this one....too many knocks on your head already. Why don't you get a job like everyone else?

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