
I love to photograph,and for the past year ive been sucky at it,how can i get better again?

by  |  earlier

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is there an answer to that?-i mean its not my job or anythin its just a great hobby i have.but latly its just been not workin,and its makin me not happy




  1. You don't give any details of what you have photographed in the past, but I am guessing you were like most people in the beginning. They get a good camera and immediately go out and just start taking shots of most everything in sight, with no preconceived vison or theme. That is fine to do at first just to get experience with using the camera and learing composition and exposure and such. However, you eventually then get to a point where you "have nothing to take photos of any longer". That is because you are TAKING photos instead of MAKING photos. You simply now need to work on themes for your photos. It can be ANYTHING. Old houses, old barns, mailboxes, reflections, objects with matching colors, piles of trash, ... just whatever obscure or abstract theme you can come up with. You will be totally amazed at how this will totally breathe new life into your photography and enthusiasm. So think MAKE the photo, not TAKE the photo.

    Photography is not just "pretty things". It should tell a story, and that can be about ANYTHING.


  2. look at photograph.. look at picture of like the great depresion.. there was a photographer i did a report on that had really great photos.. Dorthea something...

    anyway look at awsome photos just stare at them and think about what they were thing when they took it... look at the angle of the pic... find the main focus,... try to compy the photo untill u get it rite then try focusing on something else... in every photo theres always a big piture no matter how small or how no detailed the photo is... they toook the picture for a reason!

  3. See if there's a photography club in your area that you can join.  There's nothing like connecting with other photographers to help you get some feedback, perspective, and new challenges going.

    Or take a class, if any are offered in your area.  Again, a challenging assignment or two should help.

  4. A similar things been happening with me for a couple of months.

    In the last 2 weeks things have gone back to normal and I'm taking good pics that interest me again.

    The reason things changed is that I set myself some projects, it gives you something to aim for and makes you think a bit more rather than just clicking away.

    Set simple loose briefs that just define what the general subject of the project will be and outline what you need to achieve, maybe something like this-

    subject- transparent objects

    outline- produce 6 images that are primarily concerned with the bending and refraction of light by transparent objects.

    Choose subjects or themes which interest you, and don't make the brief too strict, remember this isn't paid work or a qualification, it's for fun.

    Sometimes I find it helpfull to aim at a low key local exhibition or join a free website like , it's a yahoo site and you can sign in with your yahoo username and password.

    Flickr has loads of user created groups on almost every subject you can think of, try finding a group that interest you and take pics with posting them in that group in mind.

    It helps keep you focused if you know others will be viewing and possibly commenting on your pics.

    These things tend to work for me anyway, I think it just stops me from snapping away without thinking, if you know how you want a pic to be before you take it, you tend to make more decissions and take more time, which usually results in much better images.

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