
I love to play and watch sports. But I have no idea were to watch different games and stuff besides ESPN.?

by  |  earlier

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I want to get sports info from shows so when the guys start talkink about the game, i will of acualy watched it. So anyone out there who loves sports like I do, Please tell me the best channeles to watch sports on I need help




  1. of course not all games are broadcast nationally. most cable systems have upgrade pakages that include a ton of sports channels where you get almost all games in a specific sport. if you can affors these, inquire with your cable company. they probably add i'm guessing $30.00 a month to your bill.

    also, some sports offer internet viewing of games, and if not, they detail play-by-play action in real time, though you can't actually view the game. go to websites of sports (e.g. or a specific teams site) and check these out. it's kind of like listening to them on the radio. good luck!

  2. try fox

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