
I love to run, but i cant?

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i love to run, it helps let out aggression

but i have bad asthma, and its hard on my knees

how can i improve my running?




  1. run little by little-

    a little more each day

    use inhaler- not too much though

    good luck....

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  2. Riding a bike, even a stationary one will help you with cardio.

    Talk to your doctor or a PT , they'll help you figure something out.

  3. get a good pair of shoes and know your limits so you dont have an ashma attack! but i do know people that actually compete and after their race they have to rush over to get their inhaler so its not uncommon

  4. asthma...doesn't really effect it as much as you think. in fact, running can actually reduce the effects of asthma.

    and unless you have a special knee problem, running is hard on everyone's knees, but you will build up endurance.

    i know a girl on my track team, very talented runner, who has asthma...actually i know a couple ppl on my team who have asthma...and they are doing quite well. :)

  5. Stretch alot and try running a few short distnces at one time, then go for a big one.

  6. start off running a small amount then gradually increase your distance, it will help.

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