
I love vball, i was wondering what the best advice for setting (forward and backward) is...?

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I love vball, i was wondering what the best advice for setting (forward and backward) is...?




  1. you need to make sure that you have your hands positioned right  when the balls hits your fingers and not to rush it cause then it wont go where you want it to but the most important thing is to keep practicing

  2. The best way is to set to a wall. do it foward then turn around and set backwards. Make a diamond shape with your thumbs and pointer fingers. You need to push your chest out more when setting backward to get it higher and more power. When I was a setter my coach said to always face your hips to where you want the ball to go.

  3. Personally, I see it as a 'Shooting Star'. Fingertips only =) Just remember: Shooting STAR =D


    I give my full, honest, and sometimes blunt answers. Like it or not, it's true.

  4. see a triangle in between your hands when your setting. make a triangle with your thumbs and your two pointers. push your arms up with max. force for a deep set, not that much force for a normal set. back set same thing, just bend your back backwards and push the ball up high.

    good luck!

  5. STEP 1: Remember that the first contact when receiving a serve is usually a bump, or pass (see "eHow to Bump a Volleyball'), to the setter (normally positioned near the net to the right of center court), so always anticipate receiving the ball if you've been designated as this player.

    STEP 2: Intercept the pass at the net (if it's a good pass). Make contact with the ball about 1 foot over your head.

    STEP 3: Hold your hands above your forehead with your thumbs and index fingers nearly touching, making a diamond shape, with the rest of your fingers spread open.

    STEP 4: Bend your knees.

    STEP 5: Push up with your legs and arms, snapping the ball upward with your hands in the direction in which you'd like it to go (as though you're Superman flying). Ideally, this causes the ball to 'hang' in the air without rotating, resting at the peak of its flight in the perfect position for the hitter to hammer away.


    In general, set the ball 2 to 3 feet inside and above the net so the hitter can get it over the net without its being blocked.

    When setting, you need to make enough contact to control the direction of your set without allowing the ball to come to rest (however momentarily), which is illegal and known as a 'lift.' You also must make contact with both hands simultaneously or risk getting called for a 'double hit.'

  6. For setting in general, make sure your hands are in the right positions. Also make sure your hips are facing the direction where you want to set. The main difference between setting forward and backward is the movement of your hands. Setting backwards is harder, and easier to sprain your thumbs if your hands aren't in the right position. I would recommend lots of practice and to strengthen your wrists (where all your power comes from). Good Luck!


    Make a triangle with your hands and then another with your elbows.  Make sure the hand triangle is always above your forehead or else you will be called on a lift.  As the ball enters the hand triangle use you wrists, elbows and knees to absorb the ball's impact.  Then push the ball to wherever it is you desire to set to.  It will take some practice to get a handle on how much power to use to set middle, quicks, power, steps etc.  


    For a back set everything remains the same but at the moment of release you have to turn your thumbs and arch your back to send the ball backwards.


    A jump set is ment to quicken the pace of your offence.  But because you are in the air you only have you wrists and elbows to control the ball.  Therefore you must move right under the ball to maintain the triangles to keep control of the ball.  You must also make the appropriate movements at the peak of your jump.

  8. Best advice?

    Accuracy!  Best drill is to practice setting into a basketball hoop or garbage can (both forwards and backwards).  The hand thing will come as you set, and you will get the "feel" for both your hands on the ball AND where the ball is going.

    Good luck!!

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