
I love you very much?

by  |  earlier

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  1. stalker?!

  2. Oh, thank you, you made me day a lot better. (not sarcastic)

    I love you to. :D

  3. F*ck off, you're not my girlfriend

    lol...sorry but seriously, my girl friends do this all the time and it annoys me...

  4. If u have a vag, i love you too

  5. aww how sweet

    i love u 2 :)

  6. yay

  7. U r Gender is??

  8. ok ok lets get this straigh ok, i told you many times we are just friends. we cant be anything more then that. you just not my type. you need to get this into ur head. and stop follwin me around, your creeping me out. *flips hair* and dont look at me like that, ewww gross man, is that a pimple on your face. like OMG i cant be seen with you. hahahahaahahaha lmao sorry i just felt like doing that but um....ya i like u very much ttoo lmao =]

  9. I love you to!


  10. Great!

  11. i wish i could say the same, but i just..dont...feel the same way.


  12. Aw. Bet  you say that to everyone.  

  13. I love you too!!! Let's get married!

    Wait..........are you a girl or a guy? lol.

    Oh, you're a girl? Sorry! It wouldn't work, I'll always want more! Good-bye my love! lmao

  14. i love u too?????

  15. Yay! Spread the love!

    Haha xD I love you too! :D

    Just ignore all the mean people

    Cause they don't matter ^-^

    Everybody needs a lil love

    Good job on spreading it ;D

  16. You're easy to please aren't you

  17. how nice...i love you too?

  18. she is a girl.

    your avatar is so hot.  

  19. Don't throw those 3 words like they are nothing. Say "I love you" when you fcking mean it.

  20. cute!!! i love you too well if i knew you i'm sure i would haha :) peace & love!! haha :)
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