
I loved someone but i found out he is taking advantage of me:( i stopped talking to him but i still love him?

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I loved someone but i found out he is taking advantage of me:( i stopped talking to him but i still love him?




  1. If he took advantage of you, you need to leave him behind.  He will never change and waiting for him will just waste your time.  My ex broke up w/me, but for six months led me on saying he just needed to "figure things out".  He took advantage of me and he was really seeing another girl.  We had been together for 2 years and I really truly believed he loved me. Good for you that you stopped talking to him.  It will take time, but you will get over him.  A whole year later...I have a great new boyfriend who treats me with respect and I know I can trust him.  And my ex is nothing to me. there is always something better out there.  DON'T GO BACK TO HIM.  DON'T EVEN BE "FRIENDS" IT WILL JUST PROLONG YOUR HEARTACHE!  Believe me, I learned the hard way. Please don't make the mistakes that I did.  Move on, you deserve better.  Keep yourself super busy and you will find you miss him less and less.  And when you miss him, think about how awful he was to you.   Do you miss being taken advantage of?

  2. You should reflect on how you really felt when he took your advantage, it also depends on ur personal values- was that something u can forgive, was there some misunderstanding? Talk to the person tell ur true feelings and then decide if u wanna stay in contact. Give him the oppotunity to say what he wants to. If he was taking advantage of you then do you respect or love urself enough to say that it crossed certain boundary and will never allow it to happen again. It depends on the severity of the matter.

    Hope this helps

  3. These are always to worse break ups because the love is there but the fact that the relationship is no good for you will never change.  Find things to fill your time with and you will soon be able to move on...

  4. You need to distract yourself with something new, a class, a volunteer situation, get a dog, join a new gym... move on!

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