
I loved something so much that now I hate it. Help!?

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I loved English class in school up until recently, until people have realised that I am good at it. I have been told that I am the best in the class at it and the teacher has told me to be a writer when I leave school. But now she expects so much of me and I have to write brillaint essays everynight because she expects it of me. I spend so much time doing English homework that now I dont have much time for other subjects that I need to be good at. I dont know what to do.




  1. talk to your teacher about it. tell her exactly what you told us.  

  2. Hi Emily,

    remind your English teacher of what happens to gifted students who are pushed too far, too fast. Then, just give her a sinister grin (w/evil chuckle). That oughta do the trick. Nyuck, Nyuck...  

  3. Emily, your teacher needs to realize that you are not an extension of her and that you have to balance all your subjects, plus social, home, and possibly work in order to have a life that works for you.

    You probably feel that you are "letting her down" if you don't pull a rabbit out of your hat for every assignment.  Please let that go.

    The only expectations that you need to be living up to are your own.  Always do your best - your best for EMILY - not for mom, dad, teacher, friends, etc.  The key to happiness is balance.  Don't give that up to please others.  

  4. You sound like a sweet girl. Don't let English keep you from advancing at other subjects. Look inside yourself and ask this question: "Do I like English for myself, or because other people are telling me I'm good at it". Stay focused.

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