
I luv playing golf. What drill works 4 U when trying 2 keep your drives down the middle off the tee!?

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Also, what irons & woods are helping you enjoy the game a lot with their ease to hit and great ball launch.




  1. lee trivino said there are 39 things you can do wrong when taking a golf swing. get instruction.     no real golfer would tell you this but, cut the power you put in your swing. i do.   i'm a true hacker.   use the big dawg.

  2. When you are having trouble off the tee, the best thing I can suggest is to slow it down. Use a half swing and just concentrate on hitting the ball square. Once you have your shot back, then get a little more aggressive.

    Overpowering the ball will most likely end up in a slice.

    Of course you should practice this at the driving range before taking it to the course. Never introduce new techniques on the course until you've had a chance to get comfortable with them on the range or practice area.

  3. Don't swing too hard.  Solid contact will get the ball in the fairway so work on a smooth swing where you feel like you are only hitting it maybe 80%.  This slowing down will allow your timing to improve and you will find that you hit it just as far, but straighter.

  4. It all depends upon what my ball flight indicates I'm doing wrong. There are so many things that can go wrong.

    If you're having difficulties, you should see a PGA professional.

  5. Driver drills; this one has helped me.

    First get good and warmed up, stretch and hit some irons. Then try to kill 5 drives as hard as you can, rip it! Figure you miss, where is the ball going? Next, line up to a small target, a flag or tree in the distance, hit 5 more at 80%, and focus on hitting the target. If you can’t hit the target with some accuracy at 80% dial it down more, maybe 70%. Remember to line yourself up before every shot, get a good pre-shot routine and repeat that routine when you play.

    There is a lot of good equipment out there. It’s really a process of trial and error. What works for me probably isn’t for you.

  6. This may sound funny but try not to get in your own way.  Always have positive thoughts.  The quickest way to ruin a golf shot is to have doubt. When this happens, your muscles tense and you try to guide your tee shots.  

    When playing on the course go with what is natural.  Don't try to draw a golf ball to hit the fairway when your natural shot is a fade or slice.  Learn how to play it and be comfortable with you shot.

    Next approach I would tell you to build confidence is set up a pre-shot routine.  This is very important.

  7. This kinda depends on which way you are typically missing and what your ball trajectory looks like.  The drill, or swing thought, that i like to use is as follows.  It works for me, but you need to find the right thought and/or drill that works for you.

    1st, pick a spot about 5 yards in front of you on the ground which is in direct line of where you are wanting to hit the ball.  2nd, pick a spot about 500 yards away where you would like to see your ball flying toward when you hit it.  Line the two spots up as best you can with your club face and your hips.  Right before you swing, look at that 5yard target, then Focus, and make a good swing.  Be sure to swing toward the 500 yard target that you picked.  This always seems to work for me.

    Good luck.

  8. Slow your swing down, keep it slow. Stay relaxed and DO NOT try to kill the ball.

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