
I luv v-ball, but I'm height challenged. So how can I get a higher jump w/o buying expensive equipment.?

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I wanna play college v-ball but I know i would have to jump extrememly high! please help




  1. Height challenge is one thing. But even some of my friends who are five foot three can get pretty far off the ground. I would have to say for you to practice your jump. I know that sounds silly but trust me it works. All you do is find a box or something high with a flat surface and jump onto it. Over and over again till you can jump like nothing. Each week once you get where you can jump almost OVER it, add more height to it. Also pay attention to the things that help you jump like bringing your arms from behind you and pulling yourself up to keep your momentum going. When you land, land on the balls of your feet and not your heels. also make it where when you do jump on something to prevent you from hitting your shins, you bring your knees up as well where you actually hit your chest. Expect to get some bruises but hey no pain no gain right?

  2. If you have access to a pool, work on your jumping in the pool.  Get in the pool about chest deep in the water.  Bend your knees and jump.  Over and over.  The water will act as your resistance and the water will soften your landing and protect your ankles and knees.

  3. ive been playing volleyball for 7 years and am very skilled in every position, including blocking! @ the height of 5'2 i know how hard it can be, but doing wall squats and toe lifts really helps your vertical leap muscles. try doing 2 minutes of wall sqauts about 5 times a day, you will be sore.. but it def. does pay off.. also, try about 100 toe lifts 3 times a day.. also, just  practice your approach, and wall taps. wall taps are where you stand in front of a wall, facing it, as if you were facing the net! jump and make a blocking motion with your hands @ the height of a block.. good luck!

  4. I am height challenged as well, and I also love volleyball. I would just practice jumping and work on your technique. Get down really low with your knees bent and push your elbows back and jump. Work on getting momentum. Also, maybe find a good position for your height. You don't necessarly need to be outside or center. Like I said, I'm also vertically challenge, and I play the position of libero/defensive specialist. Talk to your coach too, that might help.

    Good Luck!!!!!!

  5. I'm 5'3 and I've been playing volleyball for 15 years now ... Its the only sport that I choose to play!! :) But, you dont always have to consentrate on jumping. I've been a setter for 15 years and if I take the place of a hitter for a game its not always the height that will get you to hit the ball right. Its the placement and timing of your hit.

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