
I m 18 year's old.i weight 94 kilo's and my waist is 38 inches....i wanna get rid of my fat. ?

by  |  earlier

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i wanna lose my thigh and belly fat specially.....and what acc to my age my weight and my waist should be




  1. ok.. don't worry. over time you will. just try to exercize 4 or more days a week, doing cardio and other simple exercizes like sit-ups/leg-lifts. you can also apply for a personal trainer if you REALLY want help from others. don't forget to eat healthy, and keep portion control in mind.

  2.       Reduce your calorie intake, drink lots of water, stay physically active, bicycling, walking, swimming, do stomach crunches or situps,  and move away from the TV or computer.

  3. First, buy some Tai Bo tapes and do the Ultimate Work Out once a will whip you into shape in no time!!!  I just lost 4 inches off my waist.

    You should probably have about a 32" waist.  You'll get it in about a year if you do the work-outs.  So don't despair, you'll get it soon!!!

  4. If you're serious about loosing weight, here's some advice:

    Stop blaming your overweight on your circumstances. You know I'm right.

    Stop eating like a pig. You know I'm right

    Start eating less and moving more.Walk everyday, run move, burn those d**n calories that you keep storing around your waist. You and everyone else knows you are FAT! but you're in luck because you can start loosing the weight right now if only you got serious about it. Why don't you turn the computer off and go for a jog at the park? What's stopping you? Why are you even asking how to get rid of your fat? even my 7 year old sister knows that overweight happens when your calorie intake exceeds what you burn in a day, Duh! So get your a*%&ss out of this forum and get moving ! for God's sake.

  5. Cardio!  Running, swimming, biking, all great for burning excess fat.

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