
I m 19 year old guy and I dropped out of college and have no interest in anything?

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I like sports. I am 5'4 and thin and get tired easily. I can't imagine myself sitting in an office in front of a computer. Even though those jobs pay a lot. I dont wanna flip burgers either. I am too week for the labor jobs. Are there any jobs in sports like soccer, basketball, volleyball, tennis for people like me?




  1. you get tired easily, your too "week" for labor..but you want a job in sports?

  2. Why don;t you check around for Sports Management Firms? Maybe you can get an entry level position with them and work your way through the ranks.

  3. Get a degree and work for a sports team.

  4. Yeah, the janitor who cleans up after them. Get your butt back into school and study.

  5. like you,i have no career to choose,but unlike you,i hate sports,i'm so confused.Can i make friend with you?

  6. Massage could work for any sports team...they all have their own...and they make d**n good money!...go for it!

  7. Yeah, why don't you vote for Obama.  That way you can just sit on your rear end and wait on the money he and congress will steal from us working people.

  8. Try communications (be a sports analyst or one of their publicity coordinators) or maybe trainer or physical therapy assistant.  That way you can work with sports without having to actually play them (which wouldn't work for you as you said you get tired easily).  With both there's some amount of "desk work" but I think you'll find that in almost any profession.  None that I've listed are school intensive though they do require at least a two year degree.

    Try asking an admissions counselor at your local community college.  They can give you other ideas based on your interests and abilities.  Not to mention that going to a community college will help save you quite a bit in student loans later on.

    Good luck!

  9. why not a gym teacher or athletic trainer thoughs are good active jobs involving sports

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