
I m a teacher's aide,and there is this one student that gives me an extreme hard time,he refuses to do anythi

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ing l say and to follow simple directions. I tried being firm,giving him rewards and reason ing with him w/out losing my cool, but nothing worked! He was not like that w/ the teacher and the other aide,it's like he did this on purpose just to annoyed me. I am about to give up on him and just ignore him during instructions with me.So sick of him already! Also, he is a special ed kid and had a learing diabilities.




  1. hey can you email me i can help but i need more info my email is::::::::::::::::; or if you have a myspace      go to please you can help me to.

  2. Well it depends on what gade he is in, but I find that this works for most elementary grades.

    1.  Smile and look each student in the eyes when you greet them.  

    2.  Be prepared with your job (work, activities).

    3.  Before you get started, ask them how they are doing.  Let them tell you.  This can be done very quickly (2-3 minutes). It is so important to kids to feel as though you care how they are/feel.

    4.  Every now and then tell them a little about you...your weekend.  "\Hey guess what I saw this weekend....." as you hand out books and pencils, etc.

    *This lets them know that you are a real person...hey in elem. sometimes kids think you even sleep at school.

    5.  For that specific kid, tell him what you want done (maybe 2 out of 5 questions need to be done when you get to him) it with him, praise his work (not too much though) and let him know you are looking forward to seeing him the next day so he could show you more.

    6.  tell him (very non-chalantly) that you think it is so sad that he won't let you see how smart he is.  Do not make a huge deal when he won't work.  Stay neutral, positive, and don't show any dislike towards him. Everyday, the same.

    7.  Find out what he does do well for his teacher and maybe get a photo copy of it and show it to him the next day.  

    "Ms.  Smith showed me this spelling test and I am so impressed.  I see you are a good speller.  I bet your pretty sharp in "reading too (whatever subject you do).  I'd love to show Ms. Smith something wonderful you've done for me".  

    8.  Stay positive.

    9. Again, smile at your students and always keep your cool.  Even if he is being a butthead, keep yourself in check.  

    I am a teacher and I am very firm, too. but i find that when students see me a real person and I show interest in them, they open up..even reluctant ones.

    Hope that helps a little.

  3. It is likely that he built a relationship with them and has yet to do so with you.  You have several choices - find out what interests him and ask him a question about something he likes or knows a lot about - then you listen in an interested manner to what he has to say.  You could ask the special education teacher what strategies have been used in the past, successfully.  

    It is quite possible that he has difficulty processing auditory information and is not clear what your expectations are.  Short concise instruction with visual supports or a checklist of what he has to accomplish buy when - might also help.

    You could find another job - working with students is demanding and require people who don't take their students reactions personally.  IT appears that for whatever reason you are in a power struggle - it is not your way or the highway for this guy - it is providing what he needs to be successful.

  4. Momma. All day long at school.

    No self-respecting kid wants a parental escort.

  5. Your job is to help these kind of kids... If he wasn't likie this with others teachers &/or aide, he may have hard time to get used to you... Children with learning disabilities have problem to changes...  So do your job....

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