
I m confused about Batman choices, in "the Dark knight" movie??

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if i was Batman (and i know its a fiction) i wouldn't save the Joker's life at the end,.. i wouldn't stop the bike to ovoid him, before that..

plz, does that make of me an evil person?





  1. Batman is the best movie ever! i love Heath Ledger!

    but ya its just a movie dont freak

  2. Nothing of that sort,everything is our own imagination.

  3. No that doesn't make you an evil person. Of course the majority would want the joker to die because he causes so much evil to others.  But if you're paying attention to the point of the story, Batman can't kill him because then he will become what the Joker wanted him to become.  Plus for movie ticket purposes nobody knew Heath Ledger was going to die and who knows, maybe if they made another movie the Joker would have been part of it.  

  4. To me, that's a basic choice in how we deal with serious crime.  And, it parallels one's feeling about the death penalty.  Some people are against it, usually on humanitarian principles, no matter what.

    Basically, I prefer the death penalty, provided the crimes are bad enough (how bad is necessary for the death penalty is a judgment call).

    The Eastern Orthodox Church is against it on the basis that the bad guy might repent at some point and turn to God. (But that's based on the erroneous, to me, belief that the only chance for repentance and salvation is IN THIS LIFE.)

    I say some of the bad guys have lost their chances!

    Another issue is, what happens if a serial killer is not put to death, and he (or she) gets out of prison?  So the death penalty is a foolproof prevention of further crime by the criminal (if the penalty is actually carried out!).

    Wanting to see the Joker killed doesn't make you an evil person.  But WANTING to kill him yourself is not good.  That's why we have institutions to do the killing/executions.

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