
I m from india doin btech . how can i get an intership abroad in europe?

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I m from india doin btech . how can i get an intership abroad in europe?




  1. Hello Rakshit. Getting internship abroad depends on various factors like your university, your field of study/interest etc., If you are from an IIT, they have MOU's with a few universities/companies in Europe which can help you find internships in Germany.

    Students in India trying for internships abroad is a new thing. In fact till a year ago no one even thought of doing such thing, so its little bit difficult to figure out how to go about it. But I think if you are from IT field and did some good research or have some good experience then you might try applying for internships in USA. I have no idea if you can find an internship in non-it fields and if you can I think it would not be easy (atleast in USA)because companies here are not used to this concept of offering internships to students from India. Companies here have no idea about how the course work/research/standards followed in India and so they are unsure of your performance and moreover with the legal system of visas and stuff they dont want to take the responcibility.

    All said, its not impossible to fine one if you really try. The best thing is to apply through people you know. If you have any friends working abroad try contacting them to see if they can offer you anything. If you have any special abilities/knowledge/experience then it might be easy for you to find one.

    Hope this helps.

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