
I m going 2 Vietnam?

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wat r the tourists attractions, hotels restaurants, hotels hawkers centres hotels shopping malls beaches public transport hotels shopping malls theme parks ?

wat r the public transport available ?

wat r ur good or bad experiences ?

any internet access?wat where how where r the internet access ? how 2 get internet access ?

how is the rail trains system like from city 2 city ? how much

? price 4 a train ticket with sleeping cabins 2 sleep ?

how long from city 2 city ?

wat r the emergency numbers 4 POLICE n ambulances?

any bad experiences ?

any advice or recommendations




  1. i dont think i have any bad exprerience in vietnam since i was born in vietnam, the money in the US is like alot over there like 5 bucks over here will be 80,000 vietnamese money over there, got it, my family been back since we came to the US but i havent been back since but i will next summer with my niece and nephew and my bros so i dont know BUT I DO HAVE TO TELL YOU THIS OVER THE SUMMER IS REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYY HOT IS HOTTER THAN ARIZONA.

  2. I don't know much but u should go to NHA TRANG !!  it's beautiful!!!!!!!!!!  and 'cause it's a bay , so it's cool, not hot like Saigon

      oh, u know what - Nha Trang is 1 of the most beautiful bay in the world!!!!!!!   u better go there!!!

       ah,  Vietnam now have the internet places everywhere,  u could easily find them if u wanna access internet!!  i think it's about 3000 = 25 cent - i guess

  3. Tourist attractions:You should go take a trip to any ancient temples. They're pretty. Go to where the Vietnamese kingdom use to be, pretty cool. You get to see ruins and stuff. You also get to see the pot they use to put people in to suffer. I liked that the most.  The boat rides were the most fun. look below.

    Hotels and Restaurants: Sorry dont know that one. But make sure you get a nice one....

    Shopping malls are all in Saigon. But in the small cities there are little sidewalk markets.

    Theme Parks: There is one i believe dont know what it was called, sorry this is probably not helpful but maybe you'll pass by it, it think its in Saigon and in front theres a huge asss Frog. Its like a disney land over here.

    Beaches: Theres a little superstition that if you go into the waters of a certain beach theres a ghost that pulls you down....Dont believe that shiit. But there are plenty of beaches, probably every 3 minutes you'll run into one (exageration) Try the boat rides! Their awesome, its a really cool looking boat and there are people in there to sing and play instuments for you.  Oh and some beaches you can hunt for crabs to eat. Yum.

    public transportations:

    -Taxi's (make sure the cars work)

    -Bicycles, you dont ride them people do  with those guhzeebo things.

    -Motorcycles, never ever fall asleep on one.


    Good expieriences:

    -Meeting Family

    -Uniqie culture

    -Visiting historic cites

    -good *** food

    -go to the markets, its fun.

    -Boat trips

    -Beautiful landscape

    Bad expieriences:


    -About the taxi thing. They will do anything for money, even if they know their car will brake down they will still take you. We almost ran off a cliff. Not funny. Yeah it is. ehehe.

    -A lot of bugs. Not only outside but make sure none is in your food. Also make sure there are clean dishes

    -Some places have holes for toilets.

    -lots of sand. You know what just close your eyes the whole way through your trip.

    -Too many poor people will try tuh' trick ya into giving them money.

    Internet Access eh? Naw hardly. You'll be lucky to find any.

    What and where? Try Saigon. I dont know though. It';s pretty d**n hard. When I went there it was fun without internet, i played a bootlegged version of nintendo = ] For entertainment some hotels have American cable.

    Rail train sysem from city to city: They have trains?

    How long from city to city: depends where ya' going!

    Emergency numbers: No clue wish i can tell you. You sure will be needing it incase you get attacked by a hobo.

    Bad Expieriences? Yes i have had a lot but what about the good ones?

    Advice and Recommendations: Visit the tourist attractions. The boat ones are the best, go to the one with the famous Saigon Bridge. Uhhh...ONLY GIVE A HOBO MONEY ONCE NOT TWICE. If you are planning to buy anything dont suggest you are an American in less you really look like one. Dont buy dolls from there, their creepy. Uhhhh urrr...When you get there, the vietnamese citizens will think you are a superstar. They have a tendency to think Americans are Fantastic and rich. I once had a couple of kids chase after are vans.....yeah...BRING FOOD WITH YOU THAT IS WORTH ALL THE DAYS YOU ARE STAYING. And that is all. Also find out how the money system works. Bring Bug Spray and Sun block. I was considered an African American after I left Vietnam. Dont know why....Take a lot of pictures!

    -Have a nice and safe trip! And...I wish you luck with the hobos and all the problems i had there....And yeah...I miss it there and wish to go back for another visit. This question made me think back at the memories...Stick with the southside! Thats my side and Americas! Dont go under a coconut tree.

    AAAAAHH almost forgot, dont drink out of those old fashion water things that go out of the ground. Bring your own water or buy some. It smells like shiit!

  4. Don't let your hotel or guesthouse buy your train tickets for you. They will rip you off. I was warned and didn't beleive it until I was stuck on a slow train. Every one is going to try to rip you off. Sometimes you have to let it go but other times it is not fair or right they way that they do it.

  5. that's far too many questions for me to answer, but i hope you have a great time and I'm very jealous of you

    I've always wanted to go to Vietnam

  6. See the answer I have for another similar question @

    More below to answer your other questions:

    * Public Transportation: plenty.  Between the major cities (from north to south: Ha Noi, Da Nang, Qui Nhon, Nha Trang, Da Lat, Sai Gon) air transport is available with reasonable price ($30-$70 each way.)  There are also bus/auto lines, with prices vary depending on whether you would like public or private transportation.  There is also train line along Highway 1 connecting Ha Noi and Saigon, passing by many of the aforementioned major cities.  However the road condition or train condition might not be at the same standard as that found in public transportation in USA, Europe, or Japan/Taiwan, so you should watch out for those.  I'd recommend either flying or going with private rental (drivers included.)  The cost is reasonable.  For train fare, check out  (BTW, I highly recommend SinhCafe also, as folks there are very professional and friendly in helping us with our upcoming trip there this summer.)

    BTW, $1 USD is about $15000-$16000 VND, per my last visit there.

    * Internet Access: available in the major cities, though might be slower in some than others.  In Saigon, for example, in addition to the many internet cafes in the city (some with broadband/WiFi), many hotels also offer internet access, though with higher price than I anticipated (e.g. $15 per day in Sheraton/Saigon.)  You must bring your laptop though, as their machines (in dedicated rooms) seem slow, even in major hotels.

    * Transport Time: if by air, it would take from 1-hr to a few hours from one major city to another.  You might have to spend extra 1-2 hours through the check-in/out lines.  If by bus/car, it would take from 4-hr to 8-hr to go from one major city to the next; going from Saigon to Hanoi would take two days at least :-).

    * There are phone directories with emergency numbers listed, etc.  However, don't expect the response time to be the same as the 911 in the US.  One reason is staffing and training.  Another reason is the traffic condition.  In Saigon, for example, the road is full of two-wheelers driving seemingly without any law (few traffic lights, every for his/her own), so I don't see how an ambulance can get to certain place fast enough.

    * Hotels: there are many hotels in Vietnam, in all major/small cities, ranging from the ones-converted-from-residence to the 5-star hotels.  Cost would range anywhere from $5-$10 per day (for the smaller 1-2 star hotels) to around $$150-$200 per day for such 4/5-star as Sheraton (Saigon) or Furama (Danang.)  If you have $ to burn, there is also such resort in Nhatrang where you pay around $400-$500 a day to stay.  To check out the cost, I recommend

    * Restaurants/Food: OMG, too many to count, even more so and more diversified than hotels.  Just watch out for water (recommend only bottled water or no-ice soda) and food prepared by street vendors.  But if your stomach is up for it, why not?

    * Tourist Attactions:  cultural/traditional places in Hanoi, Hue, Hoi-An, Nha-Trang, and Saigon, beaches/sightseeing in Ha Long Bay, Da Nang, Nha Trang, Phan Thiet, and Phu Quoc island, Mekong & Saigon river tours.  There are also Water Park, Zoo, Suoi Tien (small sightseeing park), and the likes; however, if you have been to any places like Disneyland, you should skip these places.  Vietnam is not really for places for theme parks; not yet.

    * Good experience: explore the off-city life (risky but worth it), culture, people, beach, food.

    * Bad experience: food :-), many street "solicitors" (though less so in the last few years).

  7. well I don't know what to tell ya but bring alot of tshirt and short because it is hottttttttt, and don't forget to bring with you a couple bottles of OFF it will be a great help. DO NOT drink their tap water, BOTTLE WATER ONLY, internet access? they are everywhere...they have internet cafe over there alot of them!!

    as for hotel? try this one it's in Saigon price is very reasonable and they will not still from you Hotel Duc Nhut phone # country code 84 then 89236398. As for tour try this people and the person that help me last time and did a good job of seting everything up is name Ms M Nguyen their office located in Saigon phone # is 84 8 8376766. Good luck:) oh and if you take ride in taxi....uhmn....make sure it is metered taxi!!

  8. Vietnam info

  9. I found some answers are so negative about Vietnam! Vietnam is not that bad. Vietnam is among the safest countries for tourists. No bomb, no terrorist, no robbery!

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