
I m good in <span title="sports(football,cricket,athletics).">sports(football,cricket,a...</span> But i m very bad in studies ,plz tell me what to do?

by  |  earlier

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m in 10th . plz every give serious asnwers. get me some tips how to study well & get good percentage.




  1. Because you are good in sports, it is prob taking all your concentration from your studies.  Instead of thinking how to solve an algebra problem, you&#039;re dreaming of the last game you played.  

    Try focusing more attention to your studies. Allow more time for them also. I know you need to practice for sports, but shorting yourself on studying time is not going to improve them.

  2. Study hard and pass 10th with good marks.

    Without a Xth Cert, you will be nowhere. Then train for sports side by side with studies. Work very hard at training.

  3. haha..u kno wat harder..quit studies...

    edit..hey ppl here are smarter thn me...listen to thm silly sometimes :P...Thou must Study only after thou hast study it proper english ????

  4. Simple.. its very simple. You being a sports boy ... its very easy for you to concentrate on something..otherwise you cannot be a good at sports. Similarly  just read for 2 hours in the morning .But u should read daily including saturdays and sundays. But just two hours. not more than that. And when u do not study and when you do not play.. (like whenever u are eating,bathing,watching tv etc)..just recollect whatever u have studied. Maths will always be tough to guys like u.  Write all the formulas in a small pocket notebook and carry wherever u go.. When u travel just look at those formulas. And to be honest u have to sit and solve 2 or 3 maths problems. This should be done daily no matter what  subject you study for 2 hours.

  5. Drop the sports till you have completed your studies. You can&#039;t give good service to two masters.

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