
I m having cough with throat pain while coughing,feels weak n dizzy,also having fever. am i suffering from TB?

by  |  earlier

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pl advice me as i don't have family doctor and also pl. suggest the precaution's




  1. tb it is a test.the only way to do not say where you live or your lifestyle...get checked so you don't give it to others..and get well

  2. I doubt it. It sounds like you have the flu or chest cold with a virus. Drink a lot of liquids to keep the congestion down. If it gets really bad then you have to see a doctor. You can go to the ER. Or check and see if there are any free clinics around where you live.

    Feel better. Also, standing in a hot shower in the steam will help, too.  

  3. I'm pretty sure its not TB. If your symptoms keep up and or get worse you should definately consult a doctor, go to the emergency room or something, but just get some help

  4. I don't think it's TB, but it does sound like another infection. You should see your doctor as soon as possible.. no body on line can diagnose you.  Good luck and feel better soon.

  5. Have you been exposed to some one that has TB? That is very unlikely, unless you just came back from some third world country. But it does sound like you may have some viral infection. If the fever, and aches last longer than 48 hrs, you should see a doctor, especially if you suspect to have the flu. In the mean time, remember to drink plenty fluids. Tylenol or Motrin should help you alleviate the aches and fever, while you decide to see a doctor; but don't  ignore that cough and don't wait to long, it only gets worse.

  6. Chances are it is not TB, but an upper respiratory infection of some type. You should see a Dr and get a correct diagnosis and possible treatment.  

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