
I m looking a short story of 40 to 50 words for my daughter who is 5 yrs old please suggest where do i get?

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I m looking a short story of 40 to 50 words for my daughter who is 5 yrs old please suggest where do i get?




  1. Library the kid's section :)

    Or if you have any friends that have short stories then you can borrow them :)

  2. I suggest the library. That way she can pick up something that she will enjoy reading. Nothing is worse than trying to read something you have no interest in.

  3. A favorite author with my preschool class is Robert Munsch,  I reread those stories over and over and they still beg for more! Check out your public library or order them on Amazon.

  4. The library! The library is free to everyone. Your daughter is even old enough for a library card. A children's librarian will help you to find an appropriate book for her age level and interests. If you do not live near a library, a book store can help as well.

    Eric Carle is a great author for her age group. Dr. Suess is good, but Green Eggs and Ham is a bit long.

  5. Try the 'Fancy Nancy' series by Jane O'Conner. My 5 year old loves them and it's a quick read. Good luck!

  6. children of this age seem to love Clifford stories...and stories by Don and Audrey Wood...Kevin Henkes is an awesome author, but definitely not 50 words...Chicka chicka boom boom is one our all time favorites...

  7. How about this...make one up...

  8. Get the Grandma's magical Storybook which is a child's treasure in picking stories from ranges of 40-50 wordings to as long as you like them. Children loves these stories.

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