
I m negative thinker so what i do because i cannot any decision?

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I m negative thinker so what i do because i cannot any decision?




  1. i think negative, but it works fro me.

    for example: on a test i think "oh man i failed it...."

    so then when i get it back i'll have a B

    i think that if  are postive then you are more vulnerable to have your "dreams crushed"

  2. Try to achieve negatively

  3. Think negative and act positive

  4. Negative thinking  and positive thinking are the two sides of a coin. It leads to positive thinking. Think about sun rises and sets, day and night happens.The nature repeats its cycles.We all part of the nature. So you can very well change.

    Our mind always tracks our thoughts. You must start to say your mind " I want to be a positive thinking personal". It will hammer your mind. Also start thinking posetive aspects of the act. After a few days you will come to know that your mind setup start to change. This is a very diffcult task. A lot of books available in the open market. Keep on reading that meterails. Always try to see posetive aspects. Negative thinking is required to analyse the problem  which leads to a ultimate solution. Don't stop after negative thinking and immediately go to the posetive side. This is the way I followed to quit smoking, now I cannot standby near a smoker.

    Wish you good luck and the almighty will help you to complete the process after you start it.

  5. how you concluded yourself as negative thinker...

    check again....

    without making any positive decision  no one can be doing any thing...

    positive is not some thing very big or special...  harmless or not giving trouble to any one ... minding your own useful work or study or any thing you like..

    selecting your own interested food and enjoying is also a kind of positive, wearing your most liking dress, walking, sports and anything select you for your happy is positive and nothing else...

    negative some times will overtake because of situations and if you are correcting then and there no problem

  6. 1st of all u r telling lie bcouz u  know that u r negative thinker & u realize u r positive thinker.if not so contact me at

  7. Awe!Whats  the question????Please be clear:)lol

  8. huh? are you a negative thinker on grammar?

  9. good day'

    Its what you make it...negativity draws negativity. Wake every morning and say its going to be a good lunch say it is going to be a good afternoon again at night;;; and find something good about the day and think about became a negative person so you can become a positive person as well.

    Life is full of wonders and so much beauty to offer, remove the veil and start to live .

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