
.I.. m new to c.puters I want to put a pic from my documents on to Yahoo 360, would you explain very simply,?

by  |  earlier

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I.m hardly computer literate and would be so grateful if someone would explain how to do so, preferably in words of one syllable. Thankyou so much.




  1. (Be sure you have your favorite pictures saved on your computer: to drive:C ‘My Pictures’ folder.)

    Click on this link to go to your Yahoo 360 page.

    1. My Page > Edit Personal Photos

    2. Upload your picture (click on "Browse", go to drive:C , open ‘My Pictures’ folder and select the picture you want to use.  Your image must be a jpeg file, either .jpg or .jpeg.)

    3. Check "Set as primary" next to your picture

    4. Click "Save" to finish.


    If you want to display your picture here at Yahoo Answers:

    1. Click on "My Profile"

    2. Click on "Edit My Info"

    3. In the picture setting, select "Use my Yahoo! 360 Picture"

    4. Click "Preview"

    5. Click "OK

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