
I m not having enough breatmilk to feed my baby. what should i do to increase it apart from fenugreek?

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my milk is not enough for my baby. so i m supplementing her with formula. i want to give her only breastmilk as it is best for her. what should i do? is there anything else i can try other than fenugreek as i will prefer to take when there is no option left.




  1. There's a lactation tea called Mother's Milk you could try.

  2. Breastfeed more often.  Breast milk supply is based on demand.  The more you nurse, the more milk you produce.

  3. does your baby nurse directly? if so, what makes you think you don't have enough- less than 5% of women in the world don't make enough and most of the time it's because they have some underlying medical problem. if your baby nurses all the time- that's normal. try nursing longer on one side so you baby gets more hindmilk which is fatier and tends to be more satisfying. if you're jsut pumping, try to get your baby to latch on as a pump doesnt get nearly teh amount of milk oit as a baby and that is also why you should rely on a pump to tell you how much you're making unless you're only pumping of coarse. if your baby is having enough wet diapers and is gaining consistantly then you're making enough. some babies just want to nurse all the time and that's normal and it's good for supply. even if you're going to supplement you should always nurse first to stimulate your supply. nursing and sucking is also a comfort thing not jsut a food thing. my son nursed every 45 minutes for a while- but i assure you i had enough as he is a 22 pound 16 month old now who is very healthy and active-. you can also pump in between feeding to help your supply. fenugreek isn't a bad thing. i wouldd reccomend 3 capsule 3 times a day- mother's milk tea is also good, and drinking plenty of water. nurse as much as you can instead of using a pacifier.

  4. the best thing you can do is stop giving formula and nurse your baby

    giving formula decreases the amount of milk you produce

  5. Water, water, water!!!!!  

  6. Ask friends to breastfeed you baby to help.  Variety is the spice of life!

  7. supplementing is only making it worse hon. you must nurse only or pump after nursing to help get your supply up again.

    the more you nurse the more your body will make. by not nursing or pumping and using formula instead your body doesn't know to make more milk.

    it works on a supply and demand schedule. fenugreek is a great supplement, but it's not a miracle pill.

    nurse, nurse, nurse, nurse!

    i had to do this recently w/my youngest. i nursed all day long, every 2-3 hours and he was 6 months old at the time and going through a growth spurt.

    even if he only spend 5 mins on each side, that's something.

    why do you think you are not making enough milk? is your baby really fussy a lot?

    she might just be colicky. it more than likely doesn't have anything to do w/food.

    if your baby is hungry a lot, that is normal. breast fed babies are fed more often because they break down the milk a LOT faster than they do formula.

    switching from breast to formula can upset her tummy causing gas, and a fussy baby.

    growth spurts trigger your babies need to nurse more because it's just instinctual, to make more milk they must suckle more often (and usually harder).

    give it time. try not to stress out, that can decrease milk too. eat right, and watch your baby for cues.

  8. the moer your baby feeds the more you produce...but if you are doing it often..the best you can do is give her as much as you can..try pumping after she feeds...if not then just give her as much as you can and the rest long as she is getting breastmilk in general, you are doing fine hun.

  9. Definitely get rid of the formula. Like others have said, the more you breastfeed, the more milk you'll make. And you can check out if you really think you have low supply.

  10. Try pumping in between feedings to trick your body into producing more milk.  They also make nursing teas, but they usually do have some fenugreek in them.  Drink lots of fluids.

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