
I m purchase a bike it is finance or not ne 0327?

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I m purchase a bike it is finance or not ne 0327?




  1. Check it in the rc book. If it is bought on finance, it will be written as hypothicated to the financers name. If the dues are paid , there it  will be written as hypothication cancelled in the r. c. book.

  2. wtf....we have no idea of what you're asking here,repost your question ,we cant help you if we cant understand you

  3. Question is not clear.

    Still, since you have mentioned the vehicle regn. no. - it seems you are trying to buy a used vehicle with above regn.

    If you want to know whether the first owner purchased it by financial loan:

    - the hypothecation of the vehicle will be written on the RC book of the vehicle, you can verify this.

    - You can get a declaration from the first owner whether he has any loan re-payment dues. If so ask him to clear all the dues.

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