
I m pursuing the MBA degree how can increase knowledge abt finance?

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i m very confuse abt wht to study , my specialisation is finance and finance is very vast field. pls tell me in which side i should go like banking, corporate, capitalmarket etc. in which should i go pls suggest me




  1. Finance is one of the finest subjects.The whole economy of the nation depends on management of finance.

    1.If i was you, then i will not go for banking finance because you have no potential to grow on your own. You have to be under government rules and has no much scope to expand.

    2.I will also not go for capital market because it is all manipulation. A handful of FIIs and Mutual funds and institutions manage the whole drama. At the end of the day the poor investor is the sufferor.

    3.I will deffinitely go for corporate finance.The finance for the industries, the hedging, the money changers and wealth of knowledge about developing a nation.

    I will also like to study microfinance where in my unfortunate brotheren will have atleast two square meals per day , money to buy medicine , education for their children and a roof to cover their head.

  2. cfa is a course that has immense value in market-but do this only if u have interst in portfolio mgmt, credit rting etc-if u require course dets etc on this u can mail on

  3. u have a few options

    one is to follow the various NEWS cahnnels that discuss about FINANCE

    other option is to EAD various NEWS PAPERS LIKE  the ECONOMIC TIMES etc everyday to improve ur KNOWLEDGE

    also u should DISCUSS a LOT either with ur FRIENDS or SENIORS regarding the SAME

    all the best

  4. I do not know anything about MBA, but ONLY thing I can assure you is, you will have better future only if you do what you really love to do.

    Lets say that you love Finance and you end up doing something else in MBA, you won't enjoy it.

    Study what you love.

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