
I m very fair but my skin is not flawless, how to make it clean and soft? ?

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I m very fair but my skin is not flawless, how to make it clean and soft? ?




  1. Try checking this site out-

  2. To upkeep ur fairness with flawless skin, u may take aloe vera juice ----- 30 ml. + 1 tsp of honey t.d.s.

    local application of aloe vera gel daily before sleep after washng ur face.


    TOP 10 REASONS TO DRINK ALOE   Health and Hygiene

    Aloe Vera is extremely helpful for your mouth and gums.    It also assists in the soothing of minor burns, cuts, scrapes and skin irritations. in Healthy Digestion A healthy digestive tract ensures that nutrients from the foods we eat are absorbed into the blood stream.  Aloe Vera Juice has natural, detoxifying abilities.  Drinking Aloe Vera Juice made from the pure aloe gel regularly may improve bowel regularity and increase protein absorption, while at the same time reuse unfriendly bacteria and yeast – all done naturally!  Immune Support and Function Aloe Vera provides natural support for the immune system Regulates Weight and Energy Levels Aloe Vera Gel naturally, and with regular use, allows the body to cleanse the digestive system.   ensures a greater feeling of well-being, allowing energy levels to increase and helping to maintain a healthy body weight.  Collagen and Elastic Repair Aloe Vera can add a rich supply of building materials to produce and maintain healthy skin.  Daily Dose of Minerals Some of the minerals found in aloe vera include calcium, sodium, iron, potassium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, copper, and zinc.  What a powerful storehouse!  We all know that adding foods to our diets with naturally occurring vitamins and minerals is recommended for overall health.  Daily Dose of Vitamins Aloe Vera Gel includes Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, Folic Acid and Niacin.   Anti-inflammatory Properties Aloe Vera Gel has 12 natural substances that have been shown to inhibit inflammation without side effects.  Aloe may also support proper joint and muscle mobility.    Body-Building Blocks Amino acids are our body’s building blocks.  Eight which are essential and cannot be made by the body are found within the aloe plant!  

       Best compliments from

  3. Diet also plays an important role , stop taking junk or oily food and eat lot of green leafy vegetables and drink lot of water, take fruits-when you eat fruit apply same fruit pulp on your face for few minutes, there is no need of buying expensive beauty products, use rose water as a toner,apply curd on your face it will give natural glow,mixture of lemon juice and honey is a natural bleach, paste of besen and milk with pinch of turmeric in it makes skin flawless and yes yoga or parnayam are highly beneficial, all you have to do is to make little effort and do these above mentioned remedies and find the difference within a month!

  4. Hi Nisha,

    I would recommend you to make use of natural medicine. Try smashing a banana or two (depending on the amount you get), spread it on your face and wash with cold water after 10 mins.

    It should help.

  5. wash ur face regularly with a face wash ,when u return back home from outside  ,during bath use a mild soap like dove

    and apply moisturizer while u go to bed

    drink plenty of water and juices,try avoiding deep fried food

  6. I use this

    I am fair, and started using this a few months ago and get complimented on my perfect skin all the time. Believe me, it was not perfect when I started.  

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