
I m very tensened, please help?

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My daughter is 3 and half. from 2 days she started going to LKG, but she cries like anything , does't eat also. Its not the first time,from last 1 yr she is going to crech for 8 hrs as both of us are working,There also she used to cry in stating but got adjusted in 10-12 days,But in new school she is not ready to go or leave me.Can somebody help me as how can i make her use to school in a good way.I am afraid that she does not creat any fobia regarding school.Also she is suppose to go by bus and come by same bus, but as she is not accoustmed to it , we are droping her in morning and she comes to crech by evening by bus have her snacks and i pick her by 5.30.Can u suggest any change in schedule or any other way by which she starts liking the school.Thanks in advance




  1. Maybe something is going on at her school,you need to go, and talk to her teachers to see if anything is up. It sounds like to me that she is going to school all day,and that is way to much for a 3 and a half yr old little child.  Here in the US kids that young only goes to half a day, and not full time.  She misses her parents could be another thing as well.  My son had started going to school, and I was away from him most of the day, and I had to go to the hospital, and he ran away from his grandmothers home, and was coming to the hospital where I was at,and he was scared,crying at the same time.  You need to realized that she is still a toddler,and she needs her parents.  Can you work part time while she goes to half a day, and be their for her when she gets home? Or you can be a full time stay at home mom, and when she gets older you can go back to work when she is 7 or 8 yrs, of age.  I know it is hard for the both of us as well, but we do make it by each pay check.  I know it would be nice if I was working but it wouldn't work out that way.

  2. She is very young and having separation anxiety with you.  My advice is to go with her and stay a while.  Maybe there are some underlying issues going on there that you are not aware of.  She is VERY young and may not be able to communicate that.  Also, talk to your boss about this so that he/she can grant you some space to spend time with your daughter as she is going to this place.  As she gets used to it then you may not have to be there with her.  When I say be with her, I mean taking her to school, and staying there for a short while.  Let her know that you're going to leave, but let her know that you'll be back.  Maybe bring a little doll that you have for her from only you,  have her hold it when she misses you.  She's obviously very sensitive and it's traumatic for her.  Take time to assist her in adjusting, and not just drop her off cold turkey.  This is important.

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