
I made a 2 on the AP Statistics Exam this year - will this affect what colleges will accept me?

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I am a rising junior and made a 2 on the AP Statistics Exam, which I took my sophomore year. I am really disappointed in myself considering the fact that I had an A in the class for the year. I am feeling really down right now because I’m wondering if colleges will be able to see this score. Can I choose whether or not they see it? Also, I will be taking AP Calculus my senior year, so I am hoping to make at least a 3 or better on that so I can place out of math in college. Finally, will this score reflect how well I will do on my SAT? I am taking it soon and have already started preparing, but this score has only made me question my own abilities. Please help!




  1. AP Stats is not easy.  I don't think it will affect your chances if you do well on AP Calc.  SAT scores have no relation to AP Calculus.  The SATs is studied for differently than AP Calculus.  Also, AP depends on your teacher as well.  SATs can be self-studied.  Good luck.

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