
I made a HUGE mistake do you think there's still a chance?

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Okay so I pretty came to a change of heart at the last minute. The college which I've chosen it turns out I don't want to go to anymore (Montclair State University) because there have been some issues going on in my family (both personal and economical), however theres another school which just recently offered me a very large financial award (Fairleigh Dickinson Univ) but Im not sure if I can still make it in for the fall 2008 semester. Do you think this will be at all possible? I know its EXTREMELY LATE to be doing this but if I do somehow make it in it would be oh so convenient, what do you all think?




  1. You'll find that if you pay, they wont say no.  College is one of the few organizations with hundreds of rules and guidlines that, often, with a simple phone call or meeting, will be igored.

  2. You won't get your deposit back. You made that deposit as a way of saying, "Yes, I will attend here," and you forfeit it by leaving for another school. You would have gotten it back had you either gone for the year or until you graduated (depends on the deposit).

    All you need to do is tell Montclair you're not going and tell Fairleigh you want to go. I would suggest doing it in the opposite order, though, to make sure you get in to some place.

  3. better late than never..

    if you really want to go to that university, then go...

    if there's a will, there's a way...

    and of course, you can get your money back... it would be a crime not to because you paid for something that you didn't not even have any use for...  

  4. IMMEDIATELY gather your info and GO to FDU to check on your status TOMORROW--don't phone, go sit in the appropriate offices and get personal assistance. Chances are slim you will get the financial assistance --may have to lay out a semester to do that or have lost it, but almost certainly can still get admitted. Then check to see if you can get your deposit back from MSU--should be able to get at least a pro-rated portion back . No time to waste!!

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