
I made a bad impression with a new friend so now do i call or leave the ball in his court?

by  |  earlier

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last week i wrote about an internet friend i've been talking to for almost a couple years. finally we met in person and things were cool. a few days later he texted me and we texted for a while then a few days after that he asked if i wanted to meet up with him and some of his buddies friday night and of course i said yeah. like i said he and i have been talking online for a while now and we talk pretty openly about our personal lives. i'd vent to him about guy probs. he'd talk about his issues. we'd goof on each other and talk about what we did this weekend or that weekend and sometimes we'd just talk about nothing. a normal kinda friendship, except it was online. so a couple of my friends and i met up with him and his friends friday night. everything started off just fine. everyone got along and we were having fun. then someone bought me a shot of tequila and knowing that i can not handle liquor, and i told them this repeatedly, i refused it over and over. they, including my new friend, kept teasing me and calling me a sissy so like a 16 year old i gave in and did the shot. i had a few beers with it and it wasnt long til i was outta control. when i drink tequila i get wild, yeah like climb up on the bar wild, very oinery and flirt A LOT as i did with him. everyone, except him, was drunk and acting silly but i know i made him uncomfortable and prob embarrassed him. i was like that with everyone, not just him. my normal friends know that it's all in good fun and i mean nothing by it b/c i do it to all of them. unfortunately, he has never been out with me and i'm sure had no idea how to take me. in our conversations i've told him such stories and he's seen pics of when my friends and i are out. anyway, i'm afraid i've scared him off. i feel bad b/c he was such a good friend and i feel like such an ***. i'm afraid to even try to contact him. he knows what i'm like sober and i hope he has taken that into consideration, but i really wanna be able to be friends. do i even try to apologize or just let it go and leave it up to him to contact me? i just feel horrible. dont lecture me about the drinking either. i know its a prob and its being addressed!!




  1. Just call him and apologize for your behavior.  You need to call him first and expain yourself.  Let him know how much his friendship means to you!!  Congratulations!  its great that you have recognized the possibility of being an addict.  I am a recovering addict myself and it takes a strong person to admit they have a problem so Kudos to you!!  Good luck honey I'm sure he will understand.

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