I was living with my in-laws, husband, and I just had a baby. They were absolute pigs, so bad that my baby hasn't been to their house since Easter. She can crawl now and I guess that's why they haven't had us over, their house is unfit. Now I feel like I need to have my house very clean for when they visit so they know that I'm not a hypocrite. I didn't mean to offend them about their house, but while I was living there I was struggling to clean their house for them. They are all girls, ages 8,9,16 and 38. My husband and I were 19 at the time. He helped me clean more than they did. I just felt very angry and frustrated that I had a newborn baby that I was living with in a dirty unfit house.
Now I'm a bit paranoid that someone might think I'm dirty like them, so whenever we have company, the house has to be clean. I get so scared that when my daughter puts finger prints on the t.v. or windows that someone will think I'm gross like them... even if it's they who are coming over. My baby is 9 months old by the way, and very messy.
So how can I over come this fear of being seen as a messy person?