
I made a mistake on my paper and it's due tomorrow!?

by Guest57981  |  earlier

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I made a spelling error on my paper, i can't buy white out and they only gave me one paper so i can't do it over. What do i do? Should i just cross it out? That would look kind of bad don't you think?

Next time i'll write in pencil first.




  1. white nail varnish ?

    or scan your paper and edit it on your computer and then re print

  2. write it out on another paper cut out the word and either glue or tape it over the mistake

  3. I'm assuming this is typed, right? If not, paste a small piece of white paper on top just over the misspelling and write in very neatly on top.

    Not sure why you can't buy white out, but if you really have to fix a spelling error and want to make it look good, you'll have to figure out the font size used (often Times New Roman 12 in college), print out the word spelled correctly, and glue/tape it on top of the misspelling.

  4.'s not the end of the world.  And one spelling error is not going to earn you a failing grade, despite what anyone else thinks.  Simply cross out the error neatly, drawing only one line through it, and carefully write the correct spelling above it.  It might not look beautiful, but it shows the teacher that you care about the spelling error, and that you noticed it in the first place.  They know as well as you do that you couldn't have erased the pen...and I guarantee you that teachers sometimes make such mistakes also. ^.^

  5. Is this paper typed or did you just write it?

    If it is just written, then cross the word out with a straight line and then write the correct word above it. I think that is the correct way of doing things like that because if you scribble it out, then it just looks messy.

  6. Have you tried white-out tape?  I don't think anyone can get high off that, so it shouldn't be against the law to purchase at 13.  And it works awesome!!

  7. Take the "F" and learn from your mistake.  

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