
I made a pizza sauce....?

by  |  earlier

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about a week ago. It has tomato puree, water, oil and spices. Could i use it today? It's been in the fridge. Thanks




  1. Give it a sniff and a taste. You'll know if it's bad or not. As long as it has been covered tightly it should be ok to use.

    Of course if this was a professional kitchen... you'd should not serve it.

  2. if you put salt in it, it still might be oky to use. since it's going to be heated i wouldnt have a problem using it. lol

    but as above, smell it, and taste a bit, if it smells bad/tastes bad then dont use it.

  3. Give it a sniff. No meat in it give me hope!

  4. dont eat it

  5. Always dump it after 3 days. The 3 day rule, LOL

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