
I made one comment and now 4 out of 5 hate me? =[?

by  |  earlier

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i became really really close with Sean.

he introduced me to Lloyd & Danny.

Got close with them too.

Now tonight on msn.

I made a comment about Lloyd bein a taxi.

which he is, they order him to giv them a lift n he does!!

Sean took it too far.

which resulted Sean & other boy Liam- not talkin to me.

Danny apparently fancied me, but hasn't spoke since i got with this other lad.

So that leaves Lloyd who's always been nice to me! =]


Sean's been on & off with me for months.


i haven't actually offended him!?

i get on really well with everyone =]


it's upset me loads tonight because he turned round & said

'non of us are your mates though?' confusin.. considerin Sean tells me everythin! :/

i've got my girls like.

these are just a few lads i go the cinema with sometimes =]

but rrr i've been cryin loads tonight haha

because i dunno, jus felt hurt, i've listen to Sean loads like. about his ex girlfriend.


now i've jus messed up wat was a great friendship =[

wat should i do please? =[





  1. Sack the lot of em, they are kiddies

  2. Umm...first of all are you a guy or a girl???   I was thinking you were a guy...but now I'm thinking you are a girl...all because girls usually whine for this kind of stuff.

    Anyway, if they were your good friends, they wouldn't be acting like A S S    HOLES right now.   They are not real friends.   And you know what else?  Maybe they took offense that you said the other guy was a taxi, because deep down they know it true.   Ever heard of the saying "The truth hurts"?    If they use their friend in that way, this tells me alot about what kind of people they are.   Stick with your other friends.   You dont need all that drama.  

    Good Luck.  


    they are very immature and you are better off without them

    i have been crying too tonight over a 'friend'.

  4. whatever this sounds totally fake. but if its true you dont need them.

  5. Talkk to him! Leave him a message! COMMUNICATE!

    he'll never knoww what you really meant unless you tell him clearly!

    talk to him on msn, or face-to-face or just send him a mesage and explain EVERYTHING. still, if he refuses to come around, i guess it just wasn't meant to be.  

  6. i say you just talk to sean about it. if you 2 were really as close as you think - he will want to work things out too! just apologize if you did anything to make him mad and explain that you miss hanging out with him

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