
I make $46,000 a year, single, but I have no car. which of these cars are the best for me and why? ?

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I want a stylish and good fast car. Here are my choices. Thank you for your time and help.

a. Audi

b. BMW

c. Lexus

d. Saab

e. Mercedes Benz




  1. Whatever!!!!

  2. Saab and BMW are the cheapest to own.

  3. Any used one that will cost $23K or less.

    Realistically, you can't afford any model of any of those makes, new.  

    And if you can, you should focus on saving for a place of your own.  

  4. the saab doesn't really belong on this list in either category.  the lexus is stylish and nice, but rarely fast.  The BMW and upper level mercedes small cars handle extremely well, probably better than the audi, BUT, the audi is generally easier to drive fast so anyone can push an audi whereas the other two may require more skill.  the audi is also available in AWD if you live in the 'snow belt'.

    if you live in the snow belt, or aren't comfortable with a RWD car, get the Audi.  otherwise, the BMW is typically 'better balanced' whereas the mercedes will often be more typical of american muscle, faster in a line.

  5. Any german car is usually very good.  You should check on what the insurance costs (often huge difference), where the service stations are etc.

    personnaly i think merc, lexus and saab are for older guys who what fancy cars, but cant really drive them.  that leaves BMW and Audi.  what about the VW GTI?

    it all depends on what size you want, how many passengers you want to transport etc. etc.  Stop being lazy and go do some research.

  6. I love my Lexus. But for you it's a $46.000 Dollar Question.

  7. It will be abit difficult for you with what you make...But if you can afford I'd go for the Bimmer and Audi for so many reasons. When you get older get the Lexus or Mercedes or even Volvo.

  8. Assuming they are on a budget, I tend to recommend that people buy a car

    1. that they really like,

    2. that works for them (cargo, family, power, size, etc.),

    3. that they can afford to pay for,

    4. that they can afford to fix, and

    5. that is relatively easy to get fixed.

    The car makes you list tend to be expensive and out of the mainstream. This makes them relatively difficult to get fixed and relatively hard to get parts for, which makes them relatively expensive to fix. I am not saying they are impossible to get fixed or fixed at a reasonable price; only that more mainstream, popular cars will be easier to get serviced. Because there are more of them, their parts will be everywhere and everyone will have worked on one before. That will make getting it fixed easier and cheaper. The "better quality" of the cars in the list that is often used to sell these cars will not make them need less service.

    Buy one of these cars, if you like; they are nice cars, but they are probably going to be expensive to maintain. My pragmatic side recommends a Toyota or other popular car.

  9. Lexus for sure. Used you can get a Certified and it has a 100k mile warranty. I have an '08 and it's it great. Looked at Consumer Reports and got answers to all my questions before I bought. The Benz is pure headache- spends more time in the shop than on the road- check CR on that too. Audi and BMW are nice but they weren't on my list when I was looking. We looked at the Lexus 1st and there was nothing to compare with it after that and we did look. The Lexus has great resale value- ie we looked at an '06 certified and it was only $4k less than the new one so we bit the bullet on the new one. Would have liked the '06 as well but were needing some bells and whistles that the '06 didn't have. Good luck. We get 25-26 mpg running at 80-85 mph on the Lexus RX350 and use mid range fuel all the time. That's a big consideration too.

  10. One you can pay cash for is best for you.

  11. 1) your being a bit vague on the car, it sounds like you just want something flashy.

    2) go for something that will give you good return in resale, high mpg, and low tax.

    3) what do you care, your on £46,000 a year.

    *Note: Audi-good allround car, BMW-high maintenance costs, Lexus-good allrounder, Saab-cheaper but still good quality, Merc-now you are just showing off!

  12. Funny I'm looking for a car and make just about what you do, I don't know I'm one of those people who see a car as a way to get from point A to B.  I have a really good friend who had a Porshe 911, and Mercedes, and a BMW. He now drives his business van, and has a 89 Buick at his business he never drives.  I would think it over Man, Why?  If I lived in a place not prone to 12 inch snow falls, every few years and 4 and 6 inch are pretty common I would by a Smart Car and just be done with it.  I'm looking at a Honda CRV, a small KIA 4X4 or a cross over.

    Good Luck

    My friends BMW and Mercedes where real nice cars.  

  13. Audi doesn't belong on the list of nice cars. Maybe those new LEDs impress you but I'm still anti-overhyped-VW. They're all pricier brands (to varying degrees) so the reliability factor should rank high on your list of priorities if you plan on keeping your investment. Saabs are very expensive to own (I've had two) and do not have the same reliability ratings as others in the class. You need to really be prepared to get a Saab. The 9-3 is relatively cheap but the 9-5 sedan and wagon, 9-7x SUV, and Turbo X all start at or above $40,000 new (before options).

    Audi is notoriously unreliable and if you're going to purchase used, be VERY careful. The A4 has a litany of problems. I'd suggest avoiding completely.

    Mercedes are excellent but pricey to repair and not built to last anymore. Things are getting better but the new models will start right around your annual income.

    Lexus is also excellent but you are really just paying for a glossy Toyota, for the most part. That's not to say there's no reason to buy one but they depreciate slowly so you won't easily find a good deal on a slightly used one.

    Just avoid BMW. Crazy cost to own and service. Generally unreliable compared to Mercedes.

    Without narrowing down to a model, price range, or anything else beyond the manufacturer, it's hard to help. Especially since most of the models those brands produce start at a price that would swallow your yearly income in one shot.

  14. On that salary, I don't recommend buying any of those cars.  The amount you should spend on a car should depend on how much you make every year.  Some people say 20% while I think it's ok if you do 35%.  35% of your salary is about $16000.  If you want a luxury car, you'll have to buy a used one.  If you're buying a used one, I recommend BMW or Mercedes Benz because they're reliable.  Buying a used luxury car with that much money won't be as attractive.  I recommend you buy something like a Ford Mustang that's used or a used Nissan 350z because their previous models aren't unattractive but they're cheaper.

  15. u make like 4,600 a year wake-up

  16. I would go with Lexus. You wont be single for long if you buy a lexus lol

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