
I making my own charity please tell me if u think its a good idea or not (be honest)

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Children’s Work Help

Hi I’m a 13 year old Child In a town in NJ.

I know many kids my age and a couple years older with some problems. Not mentally but

Financially don’t get me wrong there not poor poor but need help. So I thought

If there was a way to bend the child Labor laws to let this idea go.

I am not saying to give them physical work but little stuff that they can do through the internet.

Like a business would become a member and pick a child in the system they would E-mail the

System that I will set up with the task and pay that it will with hold. I will look it over see if it

Would be appropriate than E-mail them back if it’s to go or not. I would set every kid up with a

PayPal accounts were the business would pay through to the child.

It would not be hard and would help the kids do stuff that they couldn’t do before like say go to the movies with some friends or bring a girl out to eat and pay for the bill.

Also if the family needs the money really bad the child could give some percentage of their pay

To the family.

Please help put this charity through it would really help.






  1. Kids your age should not be working.  You have a good heart and need to think of another way to help these kids.  Maybe have a softball tournment, bowling tournment, golf tournment then with the money you get help them buy some clothes, school supplies etc.

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