
I managed bowling centers for the last seven years, I was let go, now what?

by  |  earlier

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I am searching for a new career opportunity and I do not know where to start.




  1. Generally, management experience can be carried over industries.

  2. Start with what interests you the most.

    Management is management.  You supervised people, you met payroll, you handled customer service, you did troubleshooting  for building maintenance issues, you scheduled inventory of various things....  

    Your skills would be valuable to any industry.  Pick one you want to work in.  Or open your own business.  

    Don't look for someone else to tell you what you want to do.  That's how you probably spent the last seven years.  Now you're free to put what you learned to use in something you want to do.  If that's manage another bowling center, good for you, but it doesn't have to be.

    Your limitations are whatever you decide them to be.  

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