
I married a Jamaican, I need to filed for him to come to the USA, how long will it take?

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I married a Jamaican, I need to filed for him to come to the USA, how long will it take?




  1. Depend on how paper work gets done and being processed. The sooner you do it the better it is. But expect SLOW down time since INS has no respect not care for foreigners. They will take a time to go on vacation, come back and give you tons of red tapes to play around. True....but it has to be done, so I would not delay it. Find a reputable honest hard working immigration attorney, and let him deal with it.

  2. probably real long !!!!!!!!!!! sorry i cant say more but just hang in there

  3. Do they really say 'ya mon' down there?

  4. it would take about 2 or 3 weeks

  5. I hope you have better luck than I did.  I am British and I have been married to a Jamaican lady since January 1996 but she keeps being refused a UK visa - for the most unbelievably stupid reasons.  Last time, it was because "the applicant's failure to produce wedding pictures leads one to doubt that the two parties have actually met" (When I ask to accompany my wife to her interview, the British High Commission (Embassy) tell me that is not permitted)

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