
I married a foreigner and I'm having a difficult time getting along with my in-laws. Any suggestions?

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I'm their complete opposite. I know they try to be nice at times and I try to be nice at times too. But the bottom line is I will always be different from them 99% of the time. My husband and I get along well. I consider him my soulmate. But I don't know how else I can try to connect with my in-laws.




  1. Only visit on holidays...Fake an illness on the other occasions.  

  2. Well I think its great that you want to try to make a connection, and you should but don't be deterred if it doesn't work out.  You don't have to have a close relationship with them sometimes cordial is enough. Just count yourself lucky that you don't have a rocky relationship with them, something that happens whether they're foreign or not.

    Good luck though. I wish I had better suggestions on proactive things for you to try.

  3. Is he rusian? Does he have a sister? Let me know, if so, I will take care of them for ya!!!

  4. I guess I would ask you to do your homework...and prepare.

    Google information on the country, its history, its people, and do a lot of reading. The more you know about who they are and why they are like they are, the better equipped you will be to try to understand them and why they act like they do.

    Trying to learn the language and some basic customs is essential if you want to send the message you are interested in getting to know them better, too.

    Good luck.

  5. move away from them

  6. Talk to your spouse about the situation.

  7. Well I think you are doing great so far.  Being nice is a good thing.. You also need to be respectful as well.  you might try sending little gifts for anniversarys, birthdays etc ..Allow your husband to see that you are trying  and that will ease alot  of tension  off him.  im sure  he really wants you all to get along.   My in -laws and i are complete opposites too, im sure that my husbands family wanted him to marry within his own race but he didn't.  It took awhile and after a couple of years, once they really got to know me they began to respect and enjoy me. Now they call to talk to me not my husband. :) good luck

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