
I married apreacher. On the way to church two days later,he out of the blue said I've made a mistake but I?

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will my end of the deal.What would you do in this case,he gave me no reason?




  1. I don't understand what you are asking. Please ask again and explain better.

  2. huh? im sorry, i dont understand.

  3. Why did you marry the preacher anyway?

  4. For one I wouldn't marry a preacher, most of them are hypocrites.  About him holding his part of the deal, ask him what does he mean by that.  And demand an explaination.

  5. If I understand correctly he admits he made a mistake but still wants to stay married, sounds like he is g*y and got married to cover it.  

  6. What mistake?

  7. You really need to explain yourself better. We don't understand what you are trying to say. If you were trying to say he made a mistake marrying you then get an annulment and move on.  

  8. Yeah, you're mixing up all you sentences. Please edit you questions to make sense.

  9. Praise the Lord and pass the plate......Yeehaw......

  10. I think you mean he told you he had made a mistake when he married you, is that what you mean? Instead of an answer I have a question, why are you asking here? You're supposed to know him better if you decided to marry him, however, you should at least know why he said that, if you love him, you need to do something but I couldn't think what if you don't know what the problem is.  Sorry this isn't really helping but the two of you should communicate and make an effort to make your marriage work.  I wish you the best.

  11. What does, "I've made a mistake but I will my end of the deal?"

    even mean????  

    This makes no sense.  sorry.

  12. amen

  13. He has met someone else.   Tell the elders.

  14. praise the Lord

  15. I think what you're trying to say is that you married a preacher, and now he's saying he thinks he made a mistake in marrying you, but he will uphold to his end of the vows and work through your marriage?

    I'm be heartbroken.. there really isn't much you can do about it.  You can file for divorce if you want, but I believe that when you marry you marry for life, and that means there is NO OPTION for divorce, unless there is infidelity or abuse.  I feel you should always try to work through your differences, no matter what.

    Why not ask him what he wants?  I'm assuming if he's a preacher he's 100% against divorce.  Maybe the reason he was telling you is so that you'd flip out and say "I WANT A DIVORCE" and go through with it no matter what.  Then, he could always say "Well she divorced me I had no choice."

    Basically you have to make your decision.  If I were you, I'd stay in the marriage and do my best to make it work.  Give it effort for a year or two and see if you can realize that it wasn't a mistake and make him realize the same.  Hopefully everything works out for you.

    Good luck.

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