
I mated my ***** 2 weeks ago, the dog mounted her but they didnt do the tie, can she still be pregnant?

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also since they mated she has been really lethargic, sleeping all the time, more affectionate than usual and the past couple of days she has been sick, What are the symptoms of a pregnant dog?




  1. no

  2. I hope not, there are enough sub-standard puppies in this world that come from BYB.

  3. Yes she can be pregnant.  And yes the signs you talk about can be signs of pregnancy.  Anyone who says no, they are incorrect.  I breed basset hounds.  I have one male and in 11 litters I have NEVER seen him tied with any of my females, have never even seen him breeding any of them.  Just because you didn't see it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.  And even if they didn't "tie" doesn't mean he can't get her pregnant.  

    As far as the symptoms of pregnancy it varies from female to female.  People will think I'm crazy, but yes, I have seen a female vomit the first couple weeks, some become much more aggressive, some become much more friendly and lovey, some get diahrrea, some quit eating, some eat like pigs, really very similar to human symptoms.  If you can afford to go to the vet get an x-ray or ultrasound done.  But you need to wait till around the 30th to 40th day of the pregnancy to really be able to see anything for sure.    

  4. It's possible, but since he didn't tie i'm guessing not. Usually a dog ejaculates after the tie (which is there to keep him in place) - what comes out beforehand may not be enough to get her pregnant.

    If you want to be sure, then bring her into the vet for a check up. There is such a thing as a "phantom pregnancy", so that could also be the cause of these symptoms. She's going to need this vet visit, along with one later on to determine the number of pups and a third right before her due date to check on the size of pups.

  5. Yes, it is possble for a b*tch to become pregnant without a tie but the only way to be sure, other than just waiting, is to have her x-rayed or an ultra sound. If there's a chance she's pregnant she should go to the vet for a natal exam.  There may also be time to have the pups aborted and an emergency spay done if you wish to avoid this in future.

    "Signs of Pregnancy

    A full term pregnancy for a dog is, on average, between 60 and 63 days.

    Visually, many dogs never “look” pregnant. Other dogs will appear pregnant, but only in the last days of pregnancy, so this is not a reliable method of determining pregnancy.

    Instead, one should look to the dog’s behavior. Dr. Michael Levine, DVM, explained that the following signs are most commonly seen in pregnant canines:

    Increased Appetite

    Decreased Appetite

    Prominent Nipples


    Increased Sleeping

    Clear Discharge from the v****a

    A Firm Abdomen

    “Nesting” Behaviors

    More Frequent Urination"

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