
I may be getting a pair of guinea pigs what di I feed them?

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i may be getting a pair of piggies, im not sure if i am, gotta ask my dad first but i want to be prepared so what do you feed them? i am pretty sure they need an unlimited supply of timothey hey, right? what is a good brand for guinea pig food for treats what should i feed them and for their daily fruits and veggies what should i feed them, and how much? i want to add variety to my guinea pigs diet if you could give me a list or link to safe guinea pig treats and food that would be awesome. iv'e also heard they should be fed twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening is this ok?




  1. of course feed him pellets, yes unlimited hay, of course water, and a variety of veggies and fruit every day, a good brand of pellet food is kaytee, i would stick to kaytee for treats too. guinea pigs cant provide there own vitamin c so you will have to give them citrus fruits and other vitamin c foods or just buy some vitamins. you can feed your guinea pig twice a day or once a day just be sure not to get them fat! here are some excellent wesites:

  2. You are right, they need an unlimited supply of timothy hay from 6 months on. Under 6 months old alfalfa hay is much better to help their bones grow. They should have a tablespoon of good guinea pig food every day. Oxbow Cavy Cuisine is the best for adults, under 6 months they should eat Oxbow Cavy Performance.

    Treats from pet stores are crappy, don't feed them because they are too high in sugar and fats, and don't have any nutritional value. They'd prefer large amounts of vegetables every day. Fruits once or twice a week make good, sweet treats. Dark leafy greens, red bell pepper, a baby carrot, some cucumber, parsley, endive, etc. make great guinea pig veggies!

  3. yes.they love hay.guinea pig food is just fine.they love there veggies and love chewing on guinea pig loved chewing cardboard and lots of can put a block of wood in there too.its important they keep chewing to keep there teeth trimmed and short otherwise they can get too longi fed kristyan twice a day.and carrots and lettuce are good treats.try to stick to one brand of food.and get a sturdy bowl.they tend to knock them dont need to give them fruits and veggies everyday.although it makes a great treat once in a while..

  4. I have a guinea pig and I feed him Nutraphase Gold. He really likes that. Yes you need a lot of hay. My piggy eats carrots those are his favorite. You could feed them oranges, apples, lettuce, carrots. You don't have to feed them twice a day. You pour about a cup full into their bowl. Make sure they always have water available to drink. Good luck with your piggies!

  5. You are correct about the hay.

    Fruits are considered treats. I give mine watermelons cut in half. Rind and all for the ocassional treat.

    There are veggie charts on both and

    Look into the cage as well, make sure you provide enough room and if possible over the min.

    Avoid vitamin c drops and treats at local petstores. They are useless and can deter a piggy from eating and drinking.

    High quality pellets are oxbow and kleenmamas, try to find those or look at the ingredients and find one with similar ingredients.

    The hay and pellets can be fed 24/7. They have to keep fiber in them or the gut can shut down and their teeth grow constantly, so they eat the hay to keep their teeth worn down. Veggies can be offered daily but variety is key. The charts can help you more with what veggies to feed.

  6. Guinea pigs are awesome.  I have two and I have had guinea pigs for the past eight years.  It is best to have them in pairs because they are very social animals who are sad by themselves.  You can never make up for their having a constant companion.  Guinea pig care is really easy but just be sure that you are up to the commitment because their care is five to eight years.  I give mine Nutriphase Pellets with Vitamin C.  Vitamin C is very important to guinea pigs because if they may become deficient in Vitamin C and get very sick.  I also add liquid guinea pig drops to their water.  Give them timothy hay daily.  Make sure that fresh water is always available.  I feed them once a day.  Don't free feed them by always refilling their bowl or they will get fat.  Just read the bag for the correct serving size.  I believe that a serving size is a cup.  Also, carefresh is the best bedding and Aspen is the best of the wood shavings.  Pine is okay but never use Cedar because it will make them sick.  Never use a cage with a wire bottom because the guinea pigs will get sores on their feet.

  7. You Need:




    dry food


    water bottle

    vitamin c drops

    veggies and fruit

  8. Yup, unlimited timothy hay. I'm glad you're getting two, they are super social critters.

    A good brand for guinea pig food and treats would be Oxbow! Here's some great diet information on piggies:

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