
I may be in trouble for being present while a wild snake was caught in QLD what should i do ?

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I may be in trouble for being present while a wild snake was caught in QLD what should i do ?




  1. kill the snake and eat him no evidence lol

  2. What is QLD?

    I can not think of anywhere in the world wild snakes cannot be caught or killed on sight or you are requried to have a valid hunting license.  There really is no trouble to be had here........ unless it was a dangrous snake and for that you would be stupid to have messed with it.  Being stupid isn't a crime - otherwise we would all be in jail - but it can get you in a little trouble.

    Hope this helps.

  3. On federal wildlife refuges in the states, there is a fine to pay for killing a snake. It is not legal game and the feds consider it a crime to kill one. I kill all poisonous snakes- the life I saved may well have been mine. I just don't tell anyone but the millions on yahoo. And I'm sure they wouldn't tell a soul, would yall?

  4. I agree wit James , spice it up and eat it, evidence gone.Just don't burp in front of the officer

  5. I don't know where QLD is either unless it's Queensland

    But just for of the other posters

    Florida is one place in the world where it is a serious offense to even molest certain snakes much less capture one

    Indigo snakes are protected her and the penalties for harassing them are severe for the infraction

  6. You cant be serious can you? In trouble for catching a snake.. were in the world are you from?  

  7. If you are seriously worried about being in trouble I would highly recommend that you not say/post anything else about it and contact a lawyer immediately. They should be better versed with the laws in your area than anyone on the net.

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