
I may be related to royalty?

by  |  earlier

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A lot of my family says that we are somehow related to the royalty of Denmark; I'm not sure if they're just making it up as they go along, or if we are. And if we are, how indirectly or directly it is. A lot of my family says it, so I'm beginning to question it less. But how can I find out if it is true or not? (Without paying money)




  1. Get yourself on here

    and, with their permission, put your family members into your family tree.  Unless it has changed since I did it, this part costs nothing.  A distant relative contacted me out of the blue.  She had looked up my father's side of the family out of interest and was kind enough to give me the family tree she had made.

    There are other sites like this.

  2. No you may not.

  3. Well if you want to know an important piece of information like that I would suggest you cough up some money prince charming!

  4. A lot of people are related to royalty. I am infact related to George 4th (no joke!) but so are many other people, as the kings had many mistresses

  5. Does it really matter?

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