
I may be taking the msf course soon. how much easier will it be 4 me to learn how to ride a motorcycle if I:?

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have ridden a 50cc scooter for about 1000 miles. have ridden automatic quads and a race quad with a clutch and i drive a manual trans car.




  1. You are going to learn like you have never ridden before. You are going to be better off than most of the newbies, but your prior experience will be negated by the fact that motorcycles are harder to turn because of the longer wheelbase.  

  2. their not the same, Just go have a blast as I did , and my wife did. and dont try to compare it with quads or scooters. Its motorcycles albetit little ones.

  3. your going to do fine... your really good at everything ;-D

  4. Car and quads, zero value. 50cc good. Balance, steering, braking. Better than nothing by far.  

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