
I may have been caught doing 84-85 mph on a dual carriageway by a police officer hidden down a lane...?

by  |  earlier

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The lane was at the side of the dual carriageway, and I (as well as everyone around me) did not see him and the lasergun until he was about 300 yards away. I was doing around 84-85mph but slowed to possibly 80 (though I'm not sure) as my car was level with his gun. Will he have checked my speed before I was level with him and what can I expect to happen?




  1. A speeding is a danger to other road users.

    Your outcome depends on the prosecuting authorities in your area.

    Personally I would like to see a hefty fine imposed and your licence suspended for a year. Perhaps then you will think more about others when you get behind the wheel of a car.

  2. he probably clocked you at around 80ish. unless he also managed to get a picture of your license plate, then you can probably expect nothing to happen. however if he did get a pic of the license plate, then you can expect a pretty hefty ticket mailed to ur house. either way, consider yourself warned and don't drive so fast, in the future you may not get off so easily

  3. The question did not mention whether one received a ticket at the scene or via mail.  If there's no ticket, there's nothing to worry about except one can be more cautious with controlling speed in known Laser Trap areas.  If one was going 80 in a 65, that was probably the highest speed allowed by the person operating the Laser Unit.

  4. Sux to be you!  I would expect you will have to go to court and pay a very big fine.

  5. As some of the others have said, expect a ticket in the mail.  When it does arrive, my suggestion is to pay it because if you don't, it will hound you to the point that you may not be able to register a vehicle before the ticket is paid.  Don't wait for that to happen.

  6. If he didn't go after you, don't worry about it. Just know that you should always follow the speed limit to avoid any problems.

  7. Consider yourself lucky... THIS TIME... but the next time you could get a very expensive lesson

  8. The laser gun measures your speed as you approach, not as you pass. I don't know how they issue tickets where you live, but around here they usually stop you and give you a ticket, so there is no doubt about whether or not you got one. However, there is an increasing tendency to photograph the front of your vehicle, including your license plate and your face, automatically. If this is the case, you will receive the ticket in the mail.

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