I have a workers comp claim,a reopener actually!
My benefits ran out and im ready to go to comp court.
I was getting money every 2 weeks,until i used up my award,which was $15,000.
So now,i go to comp court for a settlement,which i get a lump sum.
But the ins co says i was overpaid from my every 2 week payments because the ins co says i was getting paid past when the $15,000 ran out>
I have asked my attorney now for 6 mths to find out how much i was overpaid before we go to settlement because they will offset it!
Now this is something that takes 1 day for the ins co to find out,through my adjuster.
My attorney says he is trying to get info,but i feel isnt trying!!!!
Im at my wits end.
How can i get ins co to tell me or my attorney what i was overpaid?
Is there anything legally i can do like get the comp judge to step in?
I need a comp lawyer or someone in the know to answer??