
I maybe pregnant and don't know what to do any more ?

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Well to start am 16 turning 17 in november. My last period was July 13th well thats the day it started. I had unprotected s*x with my so called boy friend on July 16 ,. August 2nd , August 9th, August 18th, August 16. Around August 13th I took an ept test and it came out negative. Then I went about two weeks ago and took a test in a hospital but it was also like a take home test and came out negative. Is there any chance that I could still be expecting. I'm always regular this has been the longest i don't get my period. I'm really scared right now cause maybe i took the test too earl for it to even tell cause I lied at the hospital about how many days I was late. So do you think I have a chance I maybe having a baby and if I am is there any way i can give it up like to a good family. I don't believe in adoration so that is no option. What would be a good way to let my baby's daddy that his going to be a dad if I am.




  1. Take another test, use your first pee of the day

    If it's negative, you need to tell your mom your period has not come since July 13.  Then ask when should she see a doctor to make sure everything is okay

    If she ask if your pregnant, tell her the truth, you took several test, all came back negative, you do not think so

  2. you HOPE you're expecting don't you?

  3. Take another test. If it comes out negative again, you can stop worrying. Sometimes when I'm waiting for mine to start, it wont, and once I stop thinking about it, it happens. Stress, abnormal eating or sleeping habits, and medication can all affect your cycle. If the test is positive, tell your parents and the father. Be sure to tell them if you don't want a lot of people to know.  

  4. You could possibly be pregnant or just stressed. What you need to go to the doctor and be honest.  

  5. Once again, you young kids strike again. You don't even need to be having s*x. Maybe you really should stay in school because you need to learn how to spell a little better. You shouldn't even be thinking about abortions and adoptions. You should be thinking about how fun it's going to be at the movies this weekend when you and all your friends go out, because if you are expecting, you can say bye-bye to all that fun stuff!! Have s*x again! It's fun to pop out babies left and right and never take care of them!!

    Don't mean to sound too harsh or anything - but give me a break! You youngin's don't need to be having s*x with your "so-called-boyfriends". Jeeze!!

  6. stressing out about it will make your period late. if you don't want the baby and you are pregnant then consider adoption. go to the dr and get a test and don't lie to them they are always there to help you. good luck i hope everything turns out the best for you.

  7. take the test now just in case.. take two.. to be sure

  8. You could be late because your stressing out s much about it...stress does that. First, you should have been honst witht he hospital.....just remember that for next time......Chances are your not have taken a lot of tests.

    I suggest you wait a week....if still no period take another one. If THAT test comes back negative too, then your body may just be changing. You could just be starting to become irregular. Make a Gyno appt, if that the case and he/she can put you on birth control to regulate it, if you want.

    Meanwhile...just relax, and try not to get too worked up. And for the future ALWAYS use a condom.

  9. its possible the best time to take a pregnancy test is in the morning  

  10. Go to your family doctor and let him/her perform a test while you're there.

    Ask him/her questions you're having about false pregnancy tests.

    That's the only way you can know for sure.

  11. you should take another home test in the morning (it has the strongest amount of hormone). then you need to make a doctors appointment or go to the clinic in your area. If you are pregnant you will need to go to the dr and if the test is neg then you need to have the dr take a blood test. if your are adoption is a good option for you. talk to the dr about it and make sure you talk to your parents early on and don't just wait for them to find out. Best of luck to you and next time please use birth control pills and condoms.

  12. i dont know if this will help you at all, but you might not be on a regular schedule yet.  i though i was too when i was your age, but i wasnt.  it kept changing on me.  i finally got on a normal monthly schedule around 20.  but also if you are hanging out with another girl a lot more, youre monthly will change as well.  i know it sounds wierd but it is true.  so im saying if you took two tests and they both came out neg, take one more in a week or two, and if its still negative, go to the obgyn and tell them what your going through

    good luck!

  13. Take a pregnancy test.

  14. First, Lying to the hospital was not smart.

    Second, There is no point in telling the baby's father if, you are already thinking of giving it up for adoption.

    You are already leaving the father out in the cold.

    If you still plan on telling him that he is going to be a dad, you better plan on keeping the baby.

  15. Take a pregnancy test now. Ask your doctor. Do NOT lie and if you are pregnant, consider adoption.

  16. Stop thinking about that stuff... give it time, I've been a few weeks late before, just wait.

    Stress can cause your period to be late, working out too much, changing the way you eat, there's a ton of stuff that can make your period late

    And stop having unprotected s*x!

    Not only can you get pregnant, but you can get an std too

  17. stress can do it you might be overstressing yourself

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