
I mean, should I even try again?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 2.5 wks late - LMP was 6|11. July's monthly was supposed to be here 7|14. Nothing. Not even a little bit. Within the first wk of being late, I took 2 HPT's. Negative. Those were first morning's urine. Within that week, I had a blood test done as well. Negative. This past Monday, I took another. Negative. It was around 8:45pm.

[I've read about PLENTY of women getting BFN's on HPT's & BT's & turn out to be preggers, but idk]

Should I even try to test again? This is so frustrating.





  1. I would definitely tell you to keep on trying and not to give up!!!

    Good luck!

  2. Yes keep trying - you never know, your levels may not be high enough to detect.  All the best, lots of baby dust to you!

  3. Wait about a week, if you can stand too lol, then test again. If you still get a negative go back and talk to your doctor.

  4. i no its frustrating just test again.have patience if ur not preg this time  it will happen 4 u.good luck

  5. I would keep trying as long as you're not too stressed about it.  You never know, and it won't hurt anything! Good Luck!

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