
I mean, we're so many million of human beings that our soul must at least experience physical life again??

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I think that the thermal energy that we are need to be used again and transform in a physical materia over and over until the purpose in life is completely acomplished?(it that's the way it meant to be)I mean, is not that once the enery(soul) leaves a body it will just finish forever, like ok we died and that life cycle is over forever, will never be repeated so we'll never appear on earth again to repeat a new cycle because we only live one life?It'll be unfair for me because we waited so many million years to have a life on earth or ONCE(if that the way) in our life and then we go and end of the story.

If it's not so then we will never now that we have lived several lives because the soul or energy emigrates without remembering what it left in the past cycle of life.

We are currently alive to this date but will soon die, we could be here again but then don't remember what we left or what we had, the objects we left here will always be here but we'll never remember we had them once?




  1. wow, that took a minute for me to think thru. Personally (i don't mean to offend you at all) I do not believe in reincarnation-it sounds like that's what you're getting at-I believe that once you die your soul either goes to Heaven or h**l. Heaven if you accept Jesus into your heart and follow him through life. h**l if you don't- you can be a good person and still go to h**l! In Heaven you don't need your body, I'm not sure about h**l, haha. Also, the earth hasn't been around for 'so many million years'. I'm pretty sure it's around 6,000 years old..? Scientific facts can prove that, some are too ignorant to accept the truth though. And we wouldn't have waited a million years anyway-you weren't born and or even aware of anything so how could you have been waiting?

    Maybe read the Bible or something to help clear this up for you.

  2. What about all the others that await their chance?

    Who ever told you that life was 'fair'?

    Just because the 'physical` matter and energy is recycled,

    how does that relate to the 'metaphysical` phenominon of conciousness?

  3. Why must it? What evidence do you have for your statement? Who says that life should be fair?

  4. Your conclusion doesn't follow, I'm afraid.

    It is perfectly possible that we have souls that are crafted anew every time someone is born. It is also possible that we are reincarnated. And, of course, it is possible that there is no such thing as a soul.

    Also - what does "fair" vs "unfair" have to do with it? Who ever said life was fair?

    That said - here's an interesting idea I quite like:

    The soul, if it exists, is not composed of physical material (energy or matter), but is supernatural. Therefore it does not need to obey any of the laws of physics - including the neccessity to always move *forwards* in time.

    Therefore it is possible that, after you die, you get reincarnated either forwards or backwards in time - as anybody, anywhere, any time.

    This could also mean that we are all actually the *same* soul, reincarnating forwards and backwards in time. This is the origin of "karma" - because whatever evil we do to other people, we are doing to ourselves; everything truly balances out in the end.

  5. if it's something as indefinable and illogical as a soul, why can't it be finite? we can't pretend to know what a soul is made of and how it works. and our thermal energy comes from our heat generator.

    and you believe some people are born with no soul, and are inhabited by a random other soul to fulfill that soul's purpose? why would someone be born with no soul?

  6. I used to think that, after I die, I'll know all the answers to these questions about afterlife.

    But then I realized that, if some part of my consciousness survives, there's no guarantee that I'll know any more than I do in this existence.  Maybe I'll know less?

    Moreover, psychologists have proven that people have quite inaccurate memories of earlier events in their own lives--so why do some think that they can accurately recall past lives, considering how much more difficult that ought to be?

    Having quit worrying about the afterlife has been quite liberating for me.  It will happen if and when it happens and I'll cope with it then.

  7. I choose to believe what the holy scriptures have to say, that reincarnation is not of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Except in those rare instances when Jesus and His disciples raised the dead, we live as mortals and we die once. Our spirits, upon death, will go to a spirit world to await the resurrection of body and spirit (which is the soul) determined by God.

    Not all spirits will reside in the same place in the spirit world. The more righteous will be in Paradise and the unrighteous will live in a spirit prison, a h**l of torment, but a place that they can learn and progress if they are willing.

    The Father in Heaven sired uncountable children as his spirit children. Only He knows the number and we are commanded to continue to replenish the earth.

    Reincarnation is a doctrine of the adversary, to lead humankind away from the truth of the Gospel.

  8. So you're saying that despite the fact that the universe consists of an unfathomable number of elements and elemental combinations that somehow our particular energy patterns are recycled as they are into a different body due to the fact that there is a human delusion circulating out there somewhere that energy is higher than chemistry when chemistry generates energy just as much as it also absorbs?  In fact, I believe that we have yet to prove whether energy creates chemistry or chemistry is the source of energy?

    My answer to your question is: unlikely, though parts of you could likely be recycled into many different things at once.  Being eaten by bacteria or worms or flies or trees and being reprocessed in millions of chemical ways until eventually finding different combinations which will make "you" into something else or even varieties of something else.

    Therefore, you are the universe and the universe is you.  Those parts of the universe which collaborates to make you what you are may have been a part of everything at one time or another.  You are no different than the most inanimate of objects, save for the difference in how your composition relates and reacts to give you the sense of being you and expressing you.

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